EPOS-GNSS data node availability

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The plots below present the data availability of the EPOS-GNSS station based on the daily RINEX data available from the IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node. Input files are the daily RINEX (V2 or V3) observation files available from IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node.

These plots display the status (based on G-Nut/Anubis output) of the RINEX files provided by the IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node. The plots are made by batch of 60 stations. One line corresponds to one station.

  • Green points correspond to the RINEX files that have been validated by the GLASS system and have a strictly positive status (status > 0). They should be synchronised with the EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway
  • Magenta points correspond to the RINEX files on which G-Nut/Anubis still needs to be run (status = 0).
  • Red points correspond to the RINEX files on which G-Nut/Anubis have run unsuccessfully (status = -2).
  • Orange points correspond to the RINEX files with metadata issues (status = -3).
  • Black points correspond to the RINEX files that have strictly positive status but for which the Quality Monitoring Center could not retrieve the quality metrics from the data node.
  • The RINEX files for which the Quality Monitoring Center has not retrieved yet the quality metrics from the node appear lighter on the plot.

These plots display the RINEX data availability at the IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node. The plots are made by batch of 60 stations. One line corresponds to one station. For each station, a point indicates a RINEX file is available at the node and shows its RINEX version.

These plots display the G-Nut/Anubis version used by the IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node to compute data quality metrics. The plots are made by batch of 60 stations. One line corresponds to one station. For each station, a point indicates the G-Nut/Anubis version used to compute quality metrics at the EPOS-GNSS data node.

The black points (To re-run) indicates the RINEX file is RINEX 3 and was computed using G-Nut/Anubis older than v2.3 and therefore need to be reprocessed with a newer version.