EPOS-GNSS data node availability
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The plots below present the data availability of the EPOS-GNSS station based on the daily RINEX data available from the IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node. Input files are the daily RINEX (V2 or V3) observation files available from IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node.
These plots display the status (based on G-Nut/Anubis output) of the RINEX files provided by the IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node. The plots are made by batch of 60 stations. One line corresponds to one station.
- Green points correspond to the RINEX files that have been validated by the GLASS system and have a strictly positive status (status > 0). They should be synchronised with the EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway
- Magenta points correspond to the RINEX files on which G-Nut/Anubis still needs to be run (status = 0).
- Red points correspond to the RINEX files on which G-Nut/Anubis have run unsuccessfully (status = -2).
- Orange points correspond to the RINEX files with metadata issues (status = -3).
- Black points correspond to the RINEX files that have strictly positive status but for which the Quality Monitoring Center could not retrieve the quality metrics from the data node.
- The RINEX files for which the Quality Monitoring Center has not retrieved yet the quality metrics from the node appear lighter on the plot.
These plots display the G-Nut/Anubis version used by the IPGP-GNSS EPOS-GNSS data node to compute data quality metrics. The plots are made by batch of 60 stations. One line corresponds to one station. For each station, a point indicates the G-Nut/Anubis version used to compute quality metrics at the EPOS-GNSS data node.
The black points (To re-run) indicates the RINEX file is RINEX 3 and was computed using G-Nut/Anubis older than v2.3 and therefore need to be reprocessed with a newer version.