This table page displays, for each EPOS-GNSS Data Node, the stations whose data are expected to be discoverable at EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway (DGW) through that node (based on the information provided by the station owner to M3G).

Discoverability status:
linked indicate that the station has been linked to the node by DGW, the data of the station have been populated by the node and are discoverable at DGW.
linked (no data) indicate the station has been linked to the node but no data has been populated by the node or they are not available at DGW.
not linked indicate that the station has not been set up at the DGW or has not been linked to the node by DGW.

Latency status of the data populated by the node and discoverable at DGW:
≤ 2 days indicate the station have data within the last 2 days.
≤ 7 days indicate the station have data within the last 7 days.
≤ 25 days indicate the station have data within the last 25 days.
> 25 days indicate the station have data older than the last 25 days.
> 1 year indicate the station have data older than the last 1 year.
N/A (Decommissioned) indicate not applicable due to the station was decommissioned.
N/A (No data) indicate not applicable due the station does not have any data yet.

Stations Status # RINEX files Last data submitted No of days since last data submitted Discoverability status Latency status
--------- Status --------- --------- --------- Discoverability status Latency status