The plots below present the long-term tracking performance of the EPOS-GNSS station FRAE00GBR based on the daily RINEX data available from the Pan-European EPOS-GNSS data node. The data quality metrics have been computed at the data node using the G-Nut/Anubis software.
Input files are the daily RINEX (V2 or V3) observation files available from Pan-European EPOS-GNSS data node.
The percentage corresponds, for each constellation tracked by the station, to the ratio of the number of observations in the daily RINEX file with respect to the number of expected observations:
1f   : all observations are counted.
2+f : only observations on at least two frequencies are counted. These are the observations usable for geodetic positioning.
The horizontal black dotted line (log ele) indicates the elevation cut off angle provided by the station manager in the station site log file (available from M3G). The lowest elevation cut off observed in the RINEX data is indicated in purple (obs ele). In theory "log ele" and "obs ele" should agree. Differences can be caused by degraded tracking at low elevations (obstructions or erroneous GNSS equipment) or by an incorrect elevation cut off angle in the station site log.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.
full History
Last Two Years
Missing Epochs
These plots display the percentage of epochs without any GNSS data available.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.
full History
Last Two Years
Number of Satellites
These plots display the number of observed satellites for each constellation tracked by the station.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.
full History
Last Two Years
Maximum Number of Observations
These plots display, for each constellation tracked by the station, the maximum of the number of observations counted for each frequency.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.
full History
Last Two Years
Number of Cycle Slips
These plots display the number of identified phase cycle slips for each constellation tracked by the station.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.
full History
Last Two Years
Standard Point Positioning (SPP) Results
These plots display the daily mean XYZ coordinates estimated from the code observations obtained from a specific satellite constellation. They are plotted with respect to their median value.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.
full History Data
Last Two Years Data
Multipath Values
These plots display the daily mean of code multipath per frequency band and satellite constellation. Code multipath statistics are calculated for all pseudorange codes of all GNSS satellites providing dual-frequency carrier-phase observations. The code multipath characterizes the quality of the observed signal and the site environment.
When using RINEX V2 files, the 2-char observable codes are used. For the RINEX V3 files, the 3-char observable codes are used. For more details, we refer to the description of the RINEX formats.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.
full History Data
Last Two Years Data
Signal Availability
These plots display the availability of signal observed by the station.
Red vertical lines, green and blue vertical dotted lines indicate respectively a change of antenna, receiver or receiver configuration (including firmware) as indicated by the station manager in the station site log available from the M3G GNSS Metadata Catalog. The purple points in the top of the plot indicate the daily RINEX data availability at the data node.