By Data Node - SONEL
This table page displays, for each EPOS-GNSS Data Node, the stations
whose data are expected to be discoverable through that node (based on the information provided by the station owner to M3G).
Discoverability status:
linked indicate the nodes where the data of the station are expected to be available and are available.linked (no data) indicate the nodes where the data of the station are expected to be available, but are not yet.
not linked indicate that the station has not been set up at the EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway or has not been linked to the node by EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway.
Latency status
≤ 2 days indicate the station have data within the last 2 days.≤ 7 days indicate the station have data within the last 7 days.
≤ 25 days indicate the station have data within the last 25 days.
> 25 days indicate the station have data older than the last 25 days.
> 1 year indicate the station have data older than the last 1 year.
N/A (Decommissioned) indicate not applicable due to the station was decommissioned.
N/A (No data) indicate not applicable due the station does not have any data yet.
Stations | Status | # RINEX files | Last data submitted | No of days since last data submitted | Discoverability status | Latency status |
--------- | Status | --------- | --------- | --------- | Discoverability status | Latency status |
ACOR00ESP | A | 20706 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
AGRN00ITA | A | 3522 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
AGUI00ESP | A | 5639 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
AJAC00FRA | A | 16153 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ALAC00ESP | A | 23648 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ALBO00ESP | A | 3958 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ALM100ESP | A | 2170 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ALME00ESP | A | 19238 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ALOR00ESP | A | 4243 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ANLX00GBR | A | 11207 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ARGI00FRO | A | 10895 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
AUDR00EST | A | 10878 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
BCL100ESP | A | 3442 | 2025-02-10 | 6 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
BCLN00ESP | A | 9488 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
BORJ00DEU | A | 14269 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
BORK00DEU | D | 4770 | 2007-06-04 | 6467 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
BRST00FRA | A | 17592 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
BUCK00GBR | A | 13809 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
BUDP00DNK | A | 16793 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
CAGL00ITA | D | 11311 | 2013-09-19 | 4168 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
CANT00ESP | A | 18128 | 2025-02-10 | 6 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
CARF00GBR | D | 3052 | 2009-02-11 | 5849 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
CARG00ESP | A | 9475 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
CASC00PRT | A | 24664 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
CEU100ESP | A | 15713 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
CEUT00ESP | D | 2080 | 2006-12-07 | 6646 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
CHTG00FRA | A | 6761 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
COST00ROU | A | 13628 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
DIPP00FRA | A | 6616 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
DLF100NLD | A | 9868 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
DUB200HRV | A | 8723 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
DUBR00HRV | D | 6131 | 2012-10-24 | 4498 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
DUNQ00FRA | A | 4817 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
DYNG00GRC | A | 8947 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
EDIN00GBR | D | 14578 | 2020-09-07 | 1623 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
EH0100ESP | A | 1444 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ELBA00ITA | A | 14874 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ESBC00DNK | A | 7990 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
EXMO00GBR | A | 14205 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FER500DNK | A | 6499 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FFT200MTQ | A | 2781 | 2025-02-04 | 12 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
FLRS00PRT | A | 16238 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FORM00ESP | A | 3897 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FRON00ESP | A | 5636 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FRRL00ESP | A | 5234 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FTTG00WLF | A | 829 | 2024-10-22 | 117 | linked | > 25 days |
FUER00ESP | A | 6785 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FUNC00PRT | A | 17587 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FYHA00DNK | A | 5214 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
FYNO00DNK | A | 2096 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
GAIA00PRT | A | 24279 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
GARI00ITA | A | 10921 | 2025-01-12 | 35 | linked | > 25 days |
GENO00ITA | A | 18400 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
GESR00DNK | A | 7953 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
GOM100ESP | A | 3051 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
GOME00ESP | A | 3191 | 2025-01-20 | 27 | linked | > 25 days |
GRAF00ESP | A | 5808 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
GUIP00FRA | A | 15528 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
HEL200DEU | A | 13244 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
HELG00DEU | A | 18299 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
HIRS00DNK | A | 8064 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
HOE200DEU | D | 7123 | 2015-05-19 | 3561 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
HOER00DEU | D | 1296 | 2005-06-28 | 7173 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
HOL200DEU | A | 8162 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
HOLY00GBR | A | 13928 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
HUE100ESP | A | 4835 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
HUEL00ESP | A | 22636 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
IBIZ00ESP | A | 17233 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
IJMU00NLD | A | 14239 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ILDX00FRA | A | 9249 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
IROY00GUF | A | 773 | 2024-10-10 | 129 | linked | > 25 days |
IRYL00GUF | I | 2192 | 2022-05-16 | 1007 | linked | > 1 year |
KARD00EST | A | 10501 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
KINL00GBR | A | 11994 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
KURE00EST | A | 12164 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
LAGO00PRT | A | 25337 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
LAMP00ITA | A | 17550 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
LERI00GBR | A | 11071 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
LJFL00PRT | A | 1600 | 2023-06-06 | 621 | linked | > 1 year |
LNGS00ESP | A | 3057 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
LOV600SWE | A | 8450 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
LPAL00ESP | A | 25432 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
LROC00FRA | A | 23512 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
LZ0200ESP | A | 3973 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MAL100ESP | A | 5351 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MALA00ESP | A | 25807 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MALL00ESP | A | 25002 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MAR600SWE | A | 19629 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MAR700SWE | A | 6153 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
MARS00FRA | A | 18481 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MAZO00ESP | A | 5430 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MELI00ESP | A | 13478 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MLHD00IRL | A | 2958 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MLLL00ESP | A | 2949 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
MUTG00WLF | A | 828 | 2024-10-21 | 118 | linked | > 25 days |
NBTG00NCL | A | 2462 | 2025-01-22 | 25 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
NEWL00GBR | D | 15332 | 2022-10-23 | 847 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
NYA200NOR | A | 7841 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
OLIV00ESP | D | 4811 | 2024-04-08 | 314 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
OLK200FIN | A | 7880 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ONS100SWE | A | 8062 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
ONSA00SWE | A | 19781 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
OOSA00BEL | A | 987 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
OOST00BEL | D | 10173 | 2020-01-13 | 1861 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
OSTE00BEL | A | 1921 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
OUL200FIN | A | 7733 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
PADT00GBR | D | 10910 | 2024-10-17 | 122 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
PASA00ESP | A | 12767 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
PBIL00GBR | A | 11483 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
PDEL00PRT | A | 25379 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
PMTH00GBR | A | 14858 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
POOL00GBR | A | 14574 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
PORE00HRV | A | 9392 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
PORK00GBR | D | 2452 | 2009-04-15 | 5786 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
PPTG00GLP | A | 2844 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
QAQ100GRL | A | 16113 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
RANT00DEU | A | 7828 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
REUS00ESP | A | 8657 | 2025-01-20 | 27 | linked | > 25 days |
REYK00ISL | A | 19667 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
RIGA00LVA | A | 19585 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
RIKO00DNK | A | 2589 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ROTG00FRA | A | 9954 | 2025-02-14 | 2 | linked | ≤ 2 days |
SAND00GBR | D | 2713 | 2009-02-25 | 5835 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
SANO00GBR | A | 11320 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SAS200DEU | A | 6461 | 2025-02-11 | 5 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SASS00DEU | D | 11452 | 2019-02-27 | 2181 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
SCIL00GBR | A | 10397 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SCOA00FRA | A | 13676 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SCOR00GRL | A | 14268 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SET100FRA | A | 366 | 2025-02-14 | 2 | linked | ≤ 2 days |
SFER00ESP | A | 19408 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SHOE00GBR | A | 14031 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SKE000SWE | A | 18131 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SKE800SWE | A | 8899 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SKEJ00DNK | A | 2885 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SMTG00FRA | A | 9669 | 2025-01-12 | 35 | linked | > 25 days |
SOPU00ESP | A | 4990 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
STPM00SPM | A | 3672 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SUR400EST | A | 9696 | 2025-02-10 | 6 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
SWAS00GBR | D | 10719 | 2024-12-04 | 74 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
TAR000ESP | A | 5799 | 2025-02-10 | 6 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TAR200ESP | A | 3832 | 2025-02-10 | 6 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TARI00ESP | D | 6372 | 2019-05-12 | 2107 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
TEJH00DNK | A | 5946 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TERC00PRT | A | 13192 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TERS00NLD | A | 20580 | 2025-02-10 | 6 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
THU300GRL | D | 12083 | 2019-01-25 | 2214 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
TIAS00ESP | A | 2748 | 2025-02-10 | 6 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TLL100IRL | A | 4514 | 2025-02-07 | 9 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
TLLG00IRL | D | 6742 | 2019-01-02 | 2237 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
TLTG00FRA | A | 3520 | 2025-02-14 | 2 | linked | ≤ 2 days |
TN0100ESP | A | 10340 | 2025-02-11 | 5 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TN0200ESP | A | 10704 | 2025-02-11 | 5 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TRAB00TUR | D | 5334 | 2007-11-27 | 6291 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
TRRG00ESP | A | 2921 | 2025-02-11 | 5 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TUC200GRC | A | 14164 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TUO200FIN | A | 7778 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
TXE200NLD | A | 7580 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
UCAG00ITA | A | 7869 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ULLA00GBR | D | 3599 | 2012-07-10 | 4604 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
ULLO00GBR | A | 7792 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ULP200ESP | A | 3557 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VAA200FIN | A | 7876 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VAAS00FIN | A | 18928 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VALE00ESP | A | 24656 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VEN100ITA | A | 11201 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VENE00ITA | D | 6913 | 2007-07-25 | 6416 | linked | N/A (Decommissioned) |
VEUR00BEL | A | 15284 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VIGO00ESP | A | 24306 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VIS000SWE | A | 19403 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VIS600SWE | A | 9666 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
VLIS00NLD | A | 13207 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
WARN00DEU | A | 15812 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
WEYB00GBR | A | 14739 | 2025-02-13 | 3 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
XIX100ESP | A | 4034 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
XIXO00ESP | A | 7479 | 2025-02-12 | 4 | linked | ≤ 7 days |
ZADA00HRV | A | 9362 | 2025-02-08 | 8 | linked | ≤ 25 days |
ZEEB00BEL | A | 15014 | 2025-02-14 | 2 | linked | ≤ 2 days |
FFTG00MTQ | I | 0 | - | - | linked (no data) | N/A (No data) |